Still Sorting Through Seeds

I have successfully found pictures for all of the main characters for BLINK. It’s funny how looking at a picture of someone gives you ideas about how that person would behave, think, dress.  It’s easy to get lost in the details, so I don’t plan on spending too much time coming up with names. Sometimes character names are obvious. Other times, they’re harder to figure out. I have three characters without names and plan to use temporary ones so it won’t stop my progress.


I’m currently working on fleshing out small details about the minor characters. Most of what I’ve come up with won’t make into the book, but it’s good stuff for me to know. It helps understand why the characters make the choices they do.







Testing the Field

The concept for BLINK was inspired by a short story I wrote. I’m in the process of trying to find a home for it. I submitted it to the Pill Hill Press SILVER MOON, BLOODY BULLETS anthology.  They replied with a pleasant rejection. I was disappointed, yet happy they hope I’ll submit other work. Oh well, I’ll have to keep looking.  
















Distinctive Seeds (cont)

Motherhood keeps me busy, but I’ve been sneaking time to work on BLINK. Still fine-tuning the Master Characters to make sure they have distinctive points of view, goals, mannerisms. I found an image and a name for my antagonist, Robyn Doyle. Thanks to a post on Facebook by a close friend, I learned something about Robyn’s temperament/disposition. The post read:

Oh morning. Why do you call upon me so early? You and I are not friends.

I told my friend I was going to steal it. It’s perfect for Robyn who is nocturnal by nature.